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Welcome to Fox and Briar

Recent Exploration
Recent Exploration

Oh hi everyone.  Thanks for checking out my new blog.  I created this space to share some of the things that I think make life better. Great food, tasty drinks, discovering new places and finding ways to make life easier. My husband and I recently moved from my beloved Portland, Oregon to the Seattle area, and I spent most of my childhood in Alaska, so I am a Northwest girl through and through. I’m still struggling to believe that I am now firmly in my 30’s, and that I’m supposed to be acting like an adult (I don’t even get carded when I buy booze half the time!!).  While I try to adopt adultish skills like meal planning, healthy eating, keeping my house relatively clean and being financially responsible, I try to balance the boredom by being creative in the kitchen, mixing new drinks, and discovering new places.  I would like to use this blog as a creative outlet, and maybe share something that helps make your life a little more interesting too.